How Long Will Brake Pads Last?

You want your brakes to respond effectively and quickly as soon as you put your foot on the pedal. This is only possible if you keep up with the maintenance of the entire braking system, including the brake pads. Hence, scheduling an auto service is a must to rectify brake failure issues, and replace worn-out parts.

With some tools and a little knowledge, you can perform minor repairs yourself. The only difference is that auto shops have the right equipment, parts and trained mechanics. However, the burning question is – how long do brake pads last before they need a replacement? This blog will help answer your questions about their longevity, ways to check and change them, besides other related queries. So, let’s get started.

Lifespan of Brake Pads

Generally, brake pads are good for at least 5,000km to 50,000km before needing a replacement. This huge performance gap can be attributed to various factors. For example, how hard your brake determines wear and tear on the pads. Likewise, if you tow heavy loads or drive through hilly terrain, you’ll be changing brake pads sooner than when driving on flat roads.

Quality also impacts longevity; cheap, generic brake pads will last less than premium ones. Some other factors to consider include:

  • The material – organic, metallic, or ceramic pads
  • Driving habits like frequent and abrupt braking
  • Your driving environment – road condition, elevation, terrain

How to Check Your Brake Pads for Wear?

Regular inspections are important to ensure your brakes are in good condition at all times. You may be thinking about when and how to check brake pads for signs of failure. Well, there’s no specific schedule for when to swap them. Hence, it’s a good idea to perform a routine check-up and determine the damage, if any.

Fortunately, modern brake pads are designed with wear indicators to provide clear signs of affected performance. Nonetheless, there are many other ways to check for possible wear and tear:

  • Listen to Your Brakes: Are you hearing a high-pitched metallic noise when you apply brakes? It is a clear indicator of worn-out pads. The metal tab used in these components sits against the disc when damaged causing a scraping sound.
  • Pay Attention to Warning Lights: Some modern vehicles have an electronic indicator on the dashboard that lights up when an issue has been detected. This signals that your car is running low on brake fluid. This affects braking and causes uneven wear on the pads. This is also a good time to check if you need to replace brake pads.
  • Check the Wheels: The accumulation of brake dust on the wheels is a sign of damage. If you notice this, get an expert to check your brakes.
  • Inspect the Brake Pads: In case the indicator systems fail to identify the issues, a manual check-up at regular intervals is advisable. Look at the pads to find out their thickness. A general rule is to change them when they seem very thin, around 3-4 mm. Beyond this point, they become incapable of resisting high temperatures and deteriorate even faster.
  • Watch Out for Uneven Wear: Warped discs, failed or sticky callipers and misaligned pads are common problems with brake pads. In this case, your best option is to bring your car to a reliable auto shop like Gunceler Motors for a closer inspection.

How to Change Brake Pads?

If you detect any of the above signs, it’s time for a brake pad change. You can easily replace them by yourself. However, make sure you have the following necessary tools:

  • Brake bleeder – an equipment for syphoning brake fluid
  • Trolley jack and axle stands
  • Fresh brake fluid
  • Empty plastic container
  • Replacement brake pads
  • Spanners and pliers
  • Cable ties
  • Protective gear

Now, let’s take a look at the steps on how to change brake pads:

  • Step 1: Remove a small amount of brake fluid from the master cylinder using your syphon. Gather it in the empty container.
  • Step 2: Grab your trolley jack to raise the vehicle and put the axle stand in place for safety.
  • Step 3: Remove the wheel nuts and remove the wheels for a quick inspection.
  • Step 4: Check the whole brake assembly like the rotor and calliper for signs of wear. Anything damaged needs to be machined or replaced.
  • Step 5: Remove the old brake pads. For that, you first need to separate the sliding part of the calliper. These hold the pads in various ways so you should know the correct method to remove them. While some have retaining pins and clips that can slide out, others are mounted using bolts.
  • Step 6: Once the right bolts are out, tie the calliper with a cable tie, and the damaged brake pads will pop out.
  • Step 7: Push the pistons back into the calliper once the pads are removed. One of the methods to do that is with pliers, while others require the expertise of a qualified mechanic.
  • Step 8: Prepare to install the new brake pads by applying lubricant to your calliper and mount.
  • Step 9: Slot the new units in the similar manner the old ones were removed.
  • Step 10: Pump the brake pedal to push the callipers back against the pad. Then, top up the fluid level if required.

What Influences Brake Pads Replacement Cost?

How much to replace brake pads? is a crucial question every vehicle owner asks. There is no definitive answer to this as it depends on several factors such as:

  • Vehicle make and model
  • Material and brand of brake pad
  • Driving habits and conditions
  • Labour costs

Visit Gunceler Motors to Rectify Brake Issues

Replacing callipers or performing more complex jobs during brake pad changes is not everyone’s cup of tea. They are best left to a professional like Gunceler Motors. Our qualified mechanics will resolve your brake problems in no time. We combine expert workmanship and high-quality products to offer affordable brake repairs.

Contact us today to keep your vehicle running smoothly. To book an appointment, call us on 0421 793 338 or drop us an email at